Sunday, July 10, 2011

Things I have Learned In My First Week as a Mommy

1. He really never will wear the "right" shorts with the "right" shorts. And there is no way on earth I can get him to wear the shoes that match... And I suppose that's okay.

2. There is a reason why they say "There's no use crying over spilled milk." Kids spill A LOT of milk!

3. When a 3 year old is involved, one can never guarantee they will be anywhere at any certain time (See #4).

4. Just because he wanted to brush his teeth yesterday does not mean he will do it today without a fight. Same goes for getting dressed, going to the park, swimming, eating and any other activity you can think of.

5. Kids are not concerned with efficiency. Sure I could push him in the stroller and get to the park in 10 minutes, but he thinks it better to walk it in 30 and pick up sticks along the way. I could put him in the car and have him buckled in less than 3 minutes, but why do that when he could climb in, wait for the seat to be the "right" temperature, and buckle himself in 10 minutes. Time is irrelevant to preschoolers.

6. It doesn't matter how many books he has, he will read the same two every night anyways. Same goes for clothes. He has worn the same 2 shirts 6 of the 10 days we have had him.

7. Chick Fil A and their wonderful playland is a gift from above. I now prefer it to all of the wonderful restaurants Will and I once went...

8. Don't like his mood? Wait 3 will probably change.

9. Random hugs and "I love you"'s make all of the above perfectly acceptable.

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