Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Making Connections

I feel like my favorite little guy and I are bonding more everyday. I really have a lot of fun with him! I attribute this in part to the fact that I am learning more about how to make a schedule that is entertaining enough for him and yet still preserves my sanity by allowing for trips to Target and lunches with friends. These are the essentials of a good life.

I think he is a bit confused about how he one day came to live with people he did not know and they just happened to have a room made for him, toys for him to play with and snacks for him to eat. Whether it is a box of goldfish crackers or a t-shirt, he wants to know, "Who bought this for me?" This question is typically followed by the question, "Why?" I cannot blame him. If I was dragged away to another house and instantly had a closet of clothes in my size and lots of shiny new earrings, I would probably ask a few questions, too. On second thought, why look a gift horse in the mouth? I would probably just wear them and keep my mouth shut...but I am not a 3 year old.

Today we had a moment. On his first day here, he found this long sleeve hooded shirt in his closet that I had purchased for the fall, not the blazing hot Texas summer. He wanted to wear it that day and has asked about it everyday since, though I learned the wisdom of "out of sight, out of mind" and hid it last week. It rained today, so I let him wear it to dinner (it seemed reasonable in that situation). He began asking who bought that shirt for him. I got teary remembering the day I bought that shirt, having no idea when he would be ours and no real guarantees that he would ever wear it at all. He then asked a new question, "Where was I?" This was a good one. I had to say that I truly didn't know...I guessed daycare. He offered that he was probably at his "other house." I asked him if he liked it there and he replied, "No. I like it here." We then had a little conversation about our house and him staying with us forever. For those of you keeping track, remember I was already a little teary. This didn't help that.

He must be doing a lot of thinking today because as he laid in bed tonight, I heard him talking to...his stuffed monkey(?)on the monitor. He said, "This is my new airplane room, and this is my turtle [nightlight]. I didn't have a turtle at my other house, but I have one at this house...and a Daddy..and..." It got muffled after that. I think I heard something about Neb later on. Neb is our Yorkie, who is a somewhat anxious lap dog that we rescued 5 years ago. I am sure he was thankful to be included in the introductions.

I think we don't give kids enough credit. They need explanations. They need to talk things out, to ask questions, and to share their thoughts and opinions. I have done some of that with him, but I really want to start giving him more of a chance to talk about things. I will let you know how that goes.

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