Thursday, July 21, 2011

Cheetos fingers, marketing and superman goals

This is my first time posting to my wife's great blog about our favorite kid. I'll try and not ramble too much. Today marked our three week anniversary with him and also marked the number of weeks Kasi and I have been parents. I've learned some things as a new "parent", if I can call myself that yet. I don't believe I have earned the title, don't you have to have a "stork" or the "kids network" certify you before you can use that title? I would like to tell you about some little things that I have discovered over these three weeks. Cheetos are awesome little cheesy crunchy delights. They are not chips, they are not healthy but they are great. The Cheetos people should be praised for making such a delicious treat. They should be shamed for how they have designed their treat to remain on the fingers of anyone, say a little person with red hair, who loves to touch everything including his new daddy. So, thank you Cheetos people for making a good treat, but please help all parents and those trying to earn the title by making your treat to not remain on the fingers of the little people. I had "Cheetos orange" all over me, the walls and the cute desk I was putting together for my wonderful wife. Beware of the Cheetos fingers!

Marketers have earned my respect in the last three weeks. I know they advertise and try to get into my head with all types of "buy this" messages, but I didn't realize how clever they were at using the little people to do their "selling" for them. Walk into Toys R Us and what is the first thing you see, very cool and expensive toys. What do the little people see, very cool and expensive toys. What do they want, you're catching on. Now our little person is very well behaved but I know he is tempted, how can he not be. So, I have respect for you marketers out there, but I do not appreciate the toys at the front door, the candy at the cash register, the little trinkets for little fingers on the way out of the store and probably the most disturbing trend right now, Disney Cars on everything a little boy needs and wants. I keep telling my wife, it's like Disney Cars "threw up" on everything that is little boy. Does our little guy even have a choice on whether to like Cars or not? By the way, I love Cars, we didn't have to buy him the movie, it was already in daddy's collection next to Bourne Ultimatum.

I used to have some pretty good goals set out. I like to do a "goal plan" for the year and even a 3 year and 5 year plan. Ask my wonderful wife, she has seen the spreadsheets. After three weeks, I believe my goals will change a little bit. I still plan to achieve my goals (one of them was to get a great kid and call him ours, thank you Lord for making that happen), but I think I will also be very focused, maybe consumed with some short term goals. I'm naming them superman goals, because after I accomplish them, I feel like superman. Some superman experiences I have had in the past week:
1. Cutting hair - yes, I was able to cut his hair Sunday morning before church. He actually let me do it, even after I got hair all over his neck (the towel fell accidentally), his ear and of course all over me. Kasi thought it looked good, so if mommy is happy than it qualifies for superman status.
2. Brushing teeth - some days I have the superman status and other days, well, like last night I didn't get there. What is so hard about this task?
3. Dressing him in less than 10 minutes and having him match. What goes on first, what is next, what type of socks do you want, you have to wear that shirt you picked it out, I'm counting to five and then I'm putting that on you, mommy isn't here to put on your shorts, you can't leave until you have your shirt on......when did I become so consumed with clothing? It's easier to prepare for a quarterly board meeting than to get a littler person dressed, matched and ready to go in ten minutes. I've had only one superman moment on this one, I need more or else I will end wearing a shark shirt like him.
4. Bed time. Seriously, I haven't had any superman moments yet for this one. My wife walks out at 8:00 and tells me he was so sweet, they prayed, he gave her a hug, tells her she is awesome and that he is ready to go to sleep. I try to put him down, and we can't pick out a book, he wants his light on, he wants the turtle to sing him a song, he wants the plane in his room to fly him around, he doesn't want me to read the book, he wants his juice, he wants the NASA space shuttle program to continue on and he of course doesn't want to go to bed. I enjoy "trying" to put him to sleep, but I have a lot to learn. I am enjoying/dreading this learning process. I will get my superman moment, he will be in bed by 8:00 and I will be out of there. I will be the bedtime superman.
5. Making sure he knows we love him. I will never take for granted the opportunities I get to tickle, sneak in a hug or just be silly with him. He needs to know that we are crazy about him. Many superman moments here and many more to come.
Well, there's my first blog. I'll try and do more.

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