Friday, September 30, 2011

The proverbial switch: 3 months!

Today marks three months of our red head actually being in our home. Three months of being a parent. Three months of living in a whole new world—for all of us!
First, I want to say thank you to everyone for all of the prayers, kind messages and shared stories after my last post! They were so encouraging and such a blessing to me! We have certainly noticed a big change over the last couple of weeks. He no longer asks for “OM” or “OD.” He no longer draws pictures that include them. (His teacher has told me that his first order of business everyday is to produce a picture to bring home to me…he is such a giver!). I do believe that the proverbial switch has been flipped and we have reached a turning point where he is wholly ours. And I could not be prouder to have such an amazing child!

I loved him from the moment I heard his name. I don’t know why…it is just something that sprung up inside of me. But now, I hear him joke around with us-- pretending not to know where his juice is, turning around to “throw” his voice and then asking “who said that?”—and I am in love. I smile as he comes home from school saying, “I have a surprise for you, Mommy…” and pulls a feather out of his backpack that he procured just for me. I watch as he picks up anything small and says in a baby voice, “Ahhh, it’s a baby leaf…” and delicately puts it down to safely “nap,” and I appreciate his loving nature. I now have a thousand reasons why I think he is the greatest. I often look at him and am overwhelmed at how much God must love me to put this precious child in my life.

I notice so many changes in him since that first day when he came to us three months ago. No matter what we asked him to do (i.e. play with sidewalk chalk), his response was “I can’t…” Now his constant refrain is, “I bet you didn’t know I could do that!” When he finds something he cannot do, he says, “You are supposed to teach me.” Already, he has so much more confidence! Now, sometimes this is taken a bit far as he thinks he should be able to drive, cook dinner, paint my nails for me….. But I will take that any day!

As we continue to move forward, I want to pause again and say “thank you!” to you for being a part of this journey! It has just begun!


  1. It's been such a joy to watch for me and many others! The grace involved in you all finding each other and growing together proves out the magic of the world, no doubt. Each special "Mommy" gift he brings you is a symbol of the love and acceptance and guidance you have showered him with since the mere mention of his name. Blessed boy, blessed Mom and Dad. I have been proud of many people in my life, but few so much as you. Much love to you and the family.


  2. So special - what an awesome kid, and what awesome parents you are. It is so amazing finding this love there, realizing how much impact you have on a child - there aren't adequate words to describe it all. Blessings to the H family!
