Sunday, August 28, 2011

Evolution of the Dance

Anyone who has ever been to our house knows that there is ALWAYS music playing. We eat with music on in the background, we read with it, blog with it (as the stereo is on at this moment), and even leave it on for our dog when we leave (Side note: I have always wondered if he really hates this and feels that we are torturing him in the same way the Feds played Britney Spears over and over at the Waco compound to try to lure them out). We also like to dance randomly and goofily from time to time... I know, this is more than you needed to know about what happens behind closed doors at our house. But it is important to understand this about us to understand how ironic it was that our son did NOT like music when he first came to our house. In fact, one of the first things he did when he arrived was turn OFF the stereo. And he proceeded to turn it off every time he noticed it was on for the first couple of weeks. He also did not like random dancing and would get very upset when my husband would do "the hot dog dance" when that catchy little tune came on the Mickey Mouse Club every morning.

Fortunately, things have changed over the past two months. I guess it happened so gradually that I did not notice much until yesterday when I told my little redhead it was time to dance. We started twirling around the livingroom, singing some song I made up about dancing in the livingroom (I know, I need more inspiration...). As I watched him dancing and laughing, my heart began to smile. I have always considered song to be an expression of joy in the heart and I believe that he has now found his joy. It's amazing what seven weeks can do!

On a different note, he started asking for a little sister this week... a lot. I have told him to direct all requests to the Lord and see what happens. :)

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